The Wings' CE Trust




Andrea Atherton - Chair
Andrea Atherton - Chair

My professional life was in schools where I undertook many different roles within the system. In particular, as a member of a senior management team in a large, outstanding high school I had overall responsibility for teacher training and the introduction and development of graduate teacher training.

My vision of education  is to have as holistic  approach as possible and I have always taken the view that the extra curricular  can be as life changing as the curriculum. As a consequence I was involved in performing arts and led amazing teams taking students to prestigious events which included  winning several awards at international festivals and one year being involved in a BBC Omnibus documentary . For one summer at The Edinburgh Festival I had the privilege of directing the National Student Drama Company.

I have always been determined to make sure that children have the best opportunities which is why I became a school governor. I also believe that our communities are an integral part of our work as governors and I am a director of a local community centre whose work is to raise aspirations and offer opportunities to those who struggle with the economies and challenges of our society.

As a National Leader of Governance I have been a member of boards in both the primary and secondary sector , taking on a variety of chairing opportunities, I also served as a member of a Diocesan Improvement Board for a failing school. I am Chair of a single academy and a Muilti Academy Trust where I continue to use my energies in the continuing development of an equitable education system for everyone.

Rosemary Panting
Rosemary Panting

I have significant experience working in various accounting roles since 1979. I started out as a trainee in private practice, before moving into a management role for a major high street retailer. I worked for many years as the financial accountant for a distribution company and, until retirement in 2021, I was a forensic accountant for a national charity which involved working with local authorities across the country.

I have been a governor for over 20 years working with both primary and secondary schools and I have recently taken on the role of Executive Finance Director for a charity working with young people from the age of 14 onwards. This charity runs leadership workshops and seminars bringing together young people from different backgrounds and inspires them to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.  

I am delighted to be serving as part of the Board of Trustees for The Wings’ CE Trust working with other governors to make valuable contributions to the continual improvement of the schools in our Trust. 

I have two children and strongly believe every child should be nurtured to achieve everything of which they are capable….. and then a little bit more.

Rev Reg Sinclair
Rev Reg Sinclair

I have extensive Project Management experience, successfully managing complex multi-million pound engineering projects from conception through to operation.  Ensuring quality, cost and time were successfully delivered through effective use of key business practises, provided me with unique skills and experience for developing and managing the Wings CE Trust.

 A change in career focus brought me to the role of Team Rector of a busy Church of England benefice with 4 churches and 4 church schools.  This provided outstanding involvement in all aspects of the community.  Concurrently, I also served as Borough Dean linking Church and Council.

I have a strong focus in improving children’s education to ensure the learners grow and develop to be the very best they can be; through this we will make sure the future for them, their families, our communities and indeed the world, is constantly improving.  In serving deprived areas, I am also Chair of a busy Foodbank serving 3 towns.

Carole Sinclair
Carole Sinclair

With a degree in languages and business studies, my early career was providing business, administrative and linguistic support to two multi-national companies.

After having a family, I undertook teaching qualifications and now, with over 30 years’ experience in education, I enjoy working strategically with governors at all levels in our trust to ensure we 'create a better future ' for all our stakeholders. My expertise and passion are for MFL, RE and SEND.

I enjoy volunteering, most recently with my local food bank (Trussell Trust) as distribution co-ordinator and teaching English as a second language to refugees and asylum seekers.

Mrs A Rice
Mrs A Rice

I have a background in primary education and was previously the Headteacher of a primary school. I now work with Church Schools to develop elements of their provision including collective worship, spirituality and prayer.

My big passion is to help schools and churches work together to provide the best possible opportunities enabling pupils and their families to thrive. I especially enjoy using my experience and skills to ensure pupils and adults within The Wings' CE Trust have every opportunity to flourish academically, physically and spiritually. 

Rachael Coulthard - CEO
Rachael Coulthard - CEO

After working at St George’s as Headteacher from 2006 to 2015, I then became Executive Headteacher across St George’s and St Mark’s as part of a ‘hard federation’. Once we became a MAT in 2017, I was appointed as CEO of The Wings’ CE Trust. I am fortunate to have the best job in the world and particularly enjoy seeing the children and staff in our schools flourish.

I am also a trustee for a large MAT in Liverpool and provide school improvement support for other schools in the Northwest which helps keep me fresh and full of new ideas.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading, painting and travelling around Scotland. I have a son who has been well indoctrinated from birth and now works as an Early Years Practitioner in a Nursery!

Gail Worrall
Gail Worrall

Thirty years ago, I started my first job as a Y4 teacher, and it was the best decision I have ever made. Since then, I have had many roles in education through the whole primary and nursery range and also as a consultant to schools in Lancashire in need of support. I am currently an interim CEO in a small MAT, a Headteacher and also a Lead Headteacher for the LA. 

I am passionate about all children in Wigan experiencing a first-class education and this is what led me to Wings. 

In my spare time I love to travel and have taught in Mongolia and China. I love to read, and I love following Everton Football Club and attend every home match.

Resources, Audit and Risk Management Committee

Andrea Atherton
Rachael Coulthard (observer)
Rosemary Panting
Rev Reg Sinclair


Pay Committee

Andrea Atherton
Rosemary Panting
Rev Reg Sinclair


Chair of LGB
Leigh CE Primary School - Andrea Atherton
St Mark's CE Primary School - Carole Sinclair
Atherton St George's CE Primary School - Rosemary Panting